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The VIEW Micro Metrology Center of Excellence in Rochester, NY.

Micro Metrology Systems for Semiconductor, Consumer Electronics, Medical Device, and Other Industries
Whether your work includes wafer and MEMS fabrication, chip test, assembly and packaging (IDM, OSAT, and fan-out wafer-level packaging), photomasks, wire-bonding, PCBs, hard disc drives, mobile devices, drug delivery systems (implantable, transdermal, intradermal), or other types of 2D, non-contact applications, VIEW Micro Metrology systems are made to measure components with ultra-tight tolerances quickly, accurately, and in line with manufacturing processes.
24/7 Inline Production Metrology
For critical dimensional measurement VIEW offers a full line of optical metrology systems, metrology software, and custom application services. VIEW systems excel at integration into high-throughput production lines requiring fast measurement.
In many cases, 100% inspection is attainable.
Custom Measurement Applications
With two highly versatile metrology software packages, VIEW systems can be programmed with highly customized edge detection and area processing functions that are perfectly suited for automated metrology, feature analysis, and defect detection. Unique tools such as Area Multi-Focus and Continuous Image Capture (strobing) along with powerful parametric and CAD-driven programming tools provide tremendous flexibility to enhance productivity.
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The most important metrology technology news, developments, and updates with insightful how-tos and tips. Coverage includes metrology systems hardware, software, unique applications, and technical topics.